Move-in with me, she says.
It’s only for a short while, she says.
Nothing could go wrong, she says.
Fucking asshole.
The statement, ‘family is important’, should immediately be followed by, ‘but they’re also dickbags’. Harsh? Ehhh, maybe. But I bet you’d feel the same if your sister had tangled you up in a shit storm, hurricane-sized, like the one I’m currently trying to wade through.
Confused? Story of my fucking life.
Sitting on the side of the road shivering next to Denny, I curse my totaled piece of shit car that we left for dead back down the road. The tire blowout that caused me to swerve into the embankment definitely didn’t help it rise from its POS status. No need to point out that I was probably driving way too fast for my ‘been bald for 5 years’ set of tires to handle because trust me, I am painfully aware. But who the fuck said it was a good idea to appoint the perpetually drunk sister as the kid in the wheelchair’s babysitter? Not me, I assure you.
Denny, whom I played no part in causing his need for a permanent two-wheel drive, is my deceased brother-in-law’s brother and has very recently earned himself the highly prestigious title as my partner in crime. The wheelchair is a result of polio, or was it M.S.? Nope, definitely scabies. Well, whatever the fuck the reason may be behind his paralysis, it was well on its way long before I graced his life with my presence. Looking over at him, I wonder if he’ll let me share his chair because my ass is getting soaked thanks to this stupid continual light sprinkling of rain that has become the icing on my crap-cake of life.
Light reflects off the chrome of Denny’s wheel and I turn to look over my left shoulder to see two headlights coming around the bend. Ugh, it’s Monty, my shit storm-invoking sister, and she is going to be so pissed.
I turn back to my not by blood brother, yet who has still successfully become embedded into this dickish family regardless of the fact we don’t share DNA.
“Hey Den, you wanna pretend like you’ll help me buy another car so Monty doesn’t try to use the force and choke me out the minute she pulls up?”
Did I forget to mention he just recently inherited millions? Yeah, we’ll get back to that later.
Denny looks over and shyly smiles at me, “I’ll get you a car Brae.”
He’s so fucking sincere and so heartbreakingly sweet, my throat tightens while my eyes burn, making a small wobbly smile the only response I can give.
The two people I love most in this world, Denny and my sister Belmont, are the reasons that getting decked out in haggard rain boots and a vile ass fucking raincoat in order to whether their storm right alongside them is so fucking worth it.